Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Surprise Movie!

I've been going to meet up groups not only to meet people but also to learn more about the city and events that take place here. At one Sunday night meetup groups an acquaintance told me that every Monday night at one of the local movie theatres there is a surprise movie. For half the price of a regular movie you're able to a movie that has yet to be released in Germany. The only catch is, walking into the movie you have no idea what it is, and if it will be good.  He's had great experiences with the movies, and equally shitty experiences but he said it is always a good way to spend your Monday night.

Since I have 2 weeks off for Herbstferien I decided to see what this wold be like. My friend was kind enough to get the tickets, since as usual, I was running late. What I forgot about in Germany is that you have assigned seating in the movie theatres, which in cases, such as this actually works out because it was packed! We also were lucky in that we got an extra wide aisle and the couples seat for our 5.50.

After watching about 30 minutes of commericals and previews the movie finally began. There was no title displayed only the credits, which began with the director Danny Boyle and then the actors, Michael Fassbender, Kate Winselt, Seth Rogen, Jeff Daniels and so on. Based on that, and the first few minutes of the movie we figured out it was the Steve Jobs film.

I was really impressed with the acting and thought the movie was cut and put together very well. The whole movie is based around three launch dates of products that Steve Jobs worked on. Through these launches we see how he treats friends and family alike. At the same time,  there's also flashbacks to give us the background on characters and help the audience to see the character development.

The only downside was since the film started at 9:30 I didn't get home to 1:00 am so while it was really fun night and a great film I doubt I'll be able to attend any other surprise movies when school is back in session.

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